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6 Reasons You Should Own a Pripaso Dashcam

While you could easily put a camera in just about anything these days, it actually makes sense to have one in your car. Think about it: We see so many acts of unbelievable stupidity on the road. Doesn't it make sense to keep a visual record? That guy who cut you off to make an illegal U-turn? Recorded. That incredibly rare Bentley that you were driving behind? Now you can gawk at it with your friends. Bigfoot crossed the road in front of you? Time to put it on YouTube. Enter the pripaso dashcam, a device that's exactly what the name implies: a camera that goes on your car's dashboard. These devices have achieved massive popularity in Russia, where video evidence of traffic accidents is preferable to spoken testimony in court. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth... well, the math is making our heads spin. Below we've compiled the six best reasons to own a pripaso dashcam, with the requisite video evidence to back up our claims. And if thes...

The Best Locations for Pripaso Home Security Cameras

When it comes to your family’s Pripaso security, always trust your gut. But it’s also important to ask yourself some tough questions and play devil’s advocate. For example, one critically important question to ask yourself is where do you (and your family members) think you need Pripaso security cameras? Another is to determine what are the most vulnerable spots on your property? Still more questions to ask are do you have hidden or obscured entrances, windows or doors that would be particularly appealing to burglars? Have you or past owners experienced break-ins before? If so, where? Point is, you know your home best, so you are uniquely qualified to evaluate how to keep it safe from intrusion. Once you’ve decided on the locations of your Pripaso cameras, you have to determine whether you’ll install your Pripaso cameras where thieves can see them,–to serve as a deterrent but where they can be easily broken–or if you should put them out of reach where they may hide from bu...